Posts written by Donald Crowhurst

view post Posted: 28/2/2020, 10:52     Ruolo attivo dell'arbitro - Old Subbuteo Solitario...
qui si gioca da soli!
CITAZIONE (FREDERIC Mc SUNER @ 28/2/2020, 10:43) 
A me personalmente l'idea dell'arbitro non mi dispiace, però forse semplificherei la cosa... lo metterei nel campo come suggerito ad inizio partita e che poi segua il gioco come ogni singola miniatura , senza spostamenti, e ove vi sia un tocco dell'arbitro , sia considerato come ne calcio vero una deviazione.

Da Finger su a Southend si gioca esattamente così.
view post Posted: 25/12/2019, 10:29     Per fortuna è solo un gioco - il subbuteo in generale
Buon Natale Stefano, leggerti è sempre un piacere.
view post Posted: 20/9/2019, 18:42     Green and Tan - thefingerismakingmeflick
Tan is not translated me thinks...
Coloratus (as per tanned) could be the Latin translation!
view post Posted: 20/9/2019, 11:09     Green and Tan - thefingerismakingmeflick
No. Green and tan are the grandstand colour.
Maybe "Stadio verde e ocra" could fit.
view post Posted: 15/9/2019, 12:52     5th Southend-on-Sea OSC tournament - The English corner
Quite late reply, but would be unfair leave the thread without an huge thanks to Steve and the Wood family.
Every year there's something new to delight the weekend.
Saturday cricket on the Stadium of Fingers, Sunday the melee... and as usual, the friendly tournament, breakfast lunch and dinner breaks,...
Got to know the Old Sods bunch, lot of fun and banter at the first flick!
Glad to see Spud again after how much? Three or four years? I don't remember that belly for sure mate!
See you all soon!
view post Posted: 8/4/2019, 07:38     Ma servono ancora le discussioni dei club? - il subbuteo in generale
Strutturate in questo modo (thread unico) le discussioni aperte ai club a mio parere non hanno molto senso.
Diventano una discussione chilometrica a volte senza capo e coda (esempio lampante le sequenze infinite di foto alla proprie squadrette).
Diversi club che ritengono questo mezzo di comunicazione ancora valido (un esempio che ben conosco è quello longobardo) che magari sembrano qui moribondi, si sono attrezzati diversamente in proprio ed hanno una discreta vitalità.
Forse (e so che tecnicamente qualche anno fa era impossibile) avere una sezione con thread separati potrebbe invogliare a scrivere di più, ma temo che per molti club "emigrati" tornare indietro sarebbe comunque troppo dispendioso.
view post Posted: 2/1/2019, 21:35     Subbuteo at Christmas - The English corner
First time at the SoF in Christmas days, but the feeling of having had a great time up there never changes.
Saturday, after watching the Millwall-Nottingham Forest match in the afternoon (CMYL, you are climbing up the ladder!) we had some interesting Hot-Wheels action races at Steve's home.
Sunday from 1 PM was Subbuteo time. Some old and a couple of new faces (at least for me) popped up and matches started on the 6 pitches beautifully prepared from the host, the only breaks were for having plenty of food masterly cooked by David.
There was a rank in the end but only to note that the best (as Marco Ghigliotti and Kevin "The Cat" Dyson) are always on top, playing on mud, snow, with a train running around the pitch, or at the seaside.
In the end is only finding someone to play... and at the Stadium of Fingers, you always will do.
Thanks a lot Steve, My Friend.

The Subbwarts Pitch, with train running around interacting with the game

The Christmas Pitch, were even a beginner as my son Ivan can score to the great Kevin Dyson...

Ivan with one of my best english friend, Jim a.k.a. Forfoxsake, at the Stadium Of Fingers

These were just for starters...

Edited by Donald Crowhurst - 2/1/2019, 21:52
2625 replies since 16/1/2007